Pregnancy and type one diabetes workshop

Hosted by Risely. Powered by WeNatal.

Preconception: how to tighten blood sugar management

Pregnancy: how adapt in each trimester

Birth: how to advocate for yourself

Pregnancy and type one diabetes workshop

Hosted by Risely. Powered by WeNatal.

Preconception: how to tighten blood sugar management

Pregnancy: how adapt in each trimester

Birth: how to advocate for yourself

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Managing your pregnancy with diabetes can be overwhelming.

Our coaches have helped hundreds of T1D women to experience pregnancy with the confidence and peace of mind they deserve.

You don't have to feel lost and alone navigating pregnancy.

👉 If you’re dreaming of starting a family, but the added pressures and risks of managing T1D during pregnancy worry you

👉 If you're stressed just thinking about how you'll keep your blood sugars in such a tight range

👉 If your endo has given you the basics, but you want real stories and insights from other T1D women who have experienced healthy pregnancies

Learn how to:

✅ Sustainably lower your A1C into a healthy preconception range
✅ Strategize for YOUR personal blocks that will challenge you during pregnancy
✅ Handle the insulin sensitivity changes through each trimester, labor, and delivery
✅ Educate your partner and advocate for yourself with your healthcare team
✅ Feel ready to navigate this journey with the confidence that you deserve

Meet your hosts.

Lauren Bongiorno

  • Living with T1D since 2000, diagnosed at age 7
  • Board Certified Health Coach and founder of Risely Health
  • Supported 1000+ coaching members in taking ownership of their diabetes and transforming their lives with freedom and confidence.

Bridget Reuter

  • T1D for 22 years
  • Gave birth to first child in June 2024
  • Registered Nurse at the VA hospital in Madison, WI, with prior work in diabetes education for veterans
  • Graduate of Risely’s Group Coaching program in 2022

"Supporting women on their journey to motherhood is one of the most fulfilling things our team does. There's no greater challenge and no greater reward than bringing life into this world while managing T1D."